The Best Staycation Packing List For Women

For the longest time, staycations have been one of the best ways to have a good holiday without leaving your home country. Staycations have always been an affordable holiday gateway option.

Whether you are going on a solo trip with the girls or even your partner, the idea is to take a break from everyday life, let your hair down, and have fun without breaking the bank.

With that in mind, how much packing do you need for my staycation? In this article, we will be helping you narrow down all the essential items you need for your staycation. These important items can come in handy for future staycations. Read through, and we will recommend this list to you! 

Staycation: What to pack?

Here is a detailed list of essential items you should consider packing during your staycation or any other future staycation.

Staycation Packing List for Women

1. Bags

If you know how to manage space, a big bag should be able to take all your essentials. Bags are important items, but carrying many can be unnecessary, especially if your planned activities don’t require you to carry a lot.

  • Luggage: Get a bag that conveniently holds everything you need for your staycation. 
  • Laptop bag: If you are going for your staycation with your laptop, then you should go with your laptop bag to be safe.
  • Backpack: A large backpack will hold everything you need for all your outdoor activities. A backpack always comes in handy.
  • Sports bag: Carry a gym bag to hit the gym during your staycation.
  • Thermal bag for picnic: If you are a picnic lover, you will find it very useful during your staycation as it is waterproof and insulated always to keep your food and drinks warm.


Make sure you carefully schedule your activities during your stay before packing. Avoid packing too much. Think only of what you might need.

2. Toiletries

Staycation Packing List for Women

Toiletries are essential for your daily hygiene during your staycation. What toiletries should you bring? Here is the list below.

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Always carry a toiletries bag with your non-shareable items, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss. 
  • Skin care products: A staycation is a temporary escape from everyday activities and an opportunity to relax and take care of yourself. Take along lotions, face cream, and body moisturizers to keep your skin popping.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, and conditioner: Complete your holiday toiletries with this trio. If the hotel you are staying at provides it, you don’t have to go with it.
  • Towel: Most hotels provide towels for their guests, so it is up to you to decide whether you want to pack your towel.
  • Hair combs and hairbrushes: These are some of the most essential items for your grooming, so be sure to bring them.
  • Lens: If it applies to you, Contact lenses are convenient for recreational activities. We recommend carrying a travel-sized cleaning solution and remember to pack your contact lens case.
  • Hair bands and hairpins: Both are optional but can be helpful.
  • Tampons or sanitary pads: In addition to tracking your menstrual cycle, the safest thing to do is carry these items in a small bag in your handbag, in case you need them. 
  • Cosmetics: While not required, cosmetics are helpful. It is also perfect if you have planned a romantic evening in your itinerary.


Before booking at your chosen hotel, be sure to contact the hotel to find out if they offer any of these items as complimentary to their guest. 

3. Essentials

Staycation Packing List for Women

It’s best to be prepared for any eventuality during your stay. Here are some other essentials you should go with:

  • Medicine: Bring medication if you have any allergies or health issues, as some hotels may not be equipped to provide the type of care you will provide.
  • First-aid kits: These should include all the necessary supplies, such as alcohol wipes, bandages, cotton swabs, and thermometers.
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent: You will need sunscreen and insect repellant for outdoor activities.

A list of other things you might want to add to your essentials includes:

  • Paper towels and wet wipes
  • Masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Vanity kit, hand moisturizer, and lip balm
  • Mobile phone
  • Wallet: to hold your ID, cash, and credit cards


When on a staycation, ensure your hotel is close to places where you can easily buy other items you might have missed.

4. Clothes

Staycation Packing List for Women

Packing clothes can be stressful, especially when choosing the right clothes for different occasions. To help you prepare for your staycation, we’ve put together some clothing items you’ll need.

  • Sleepwear: Remember to bring your pajamas. It would be best to consider wearing a few extra-thick sweaters and socks on cold days to keep yourself warm at night. Although they take up a lot of space, they will keep you warm when needed.
  • Underwear: Carry just enough underwear and an extra.
  • Swimwear: If you plan to swim or spend time on the beach, you need your swimwear. You can add a sun hat and sunglasses.
  • Sportswear: Shirts, shorts, and sports pants are the right clothes to choose when going out and playing outdoor sports. Bring a pair of running and hiking shoes for these sports activities for maximum comfort.
  • Socks: Socks are essential because they help keep your feet from hurting when walking in covered shoes.
  • Skirts, blouses, shorts, and trousers are the best choices for women on vacation; they are light and versatile when going out.
  • A pair of shoes: Choosing which shoes to wear is not only a matter of style or taste but also the shoes you feel most comfortable in. Sandals or lightweight sneakers are best for going out, while heels are great for dates.
  • Accessory: Make space for bracelets, necklaces, hats, earrings, watches, and scarves to spice up your look.


Ensure you are aware of the current weather; otherwise, you may carry many clothes that are unsuitable for the weather. Also, think about what you’ll be doing during your stay, so you only bring what you need.

It’s best to book a suite at a hotel that offers laundry service, as this can save you the time and effort of packing too many clothes while on vacation.

5. Miscellaneous

Staycation Packing List for Women

The following items may also be included when packing for your stay.

  • Phone charger
  • Power  bank
  • Water bottles
  • Umbrella
  • Sunglasses
  • Adapter cables and plugs
  • Laptop/tablet charger
  • Eye mask
  • Camera
  • Headphones or headphones
  • Printouts of your hotel reservations and itineraries
  • Hair mask
  • Earphone


The above items can be packed in a short time. However, you can start packing a few days before your staycation to have enough free time to shop for other things you might need for your trip.


Following the advice in this article, you should also be prepared for your staycation and any eventuality. Whether a staycation in your home country or a vacation outside your home country, holidays should be enjoyed. Let down your hair and have a beautiful staycation. Happy packing!

Related tags: Business trip, packing list, travel,
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